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Test – Hiley Tiger 8 pro by Les Numériques

The total score of the editors of Les Numériques : ????? 4/5 Comfort and ergonomics: ????? 4/5
An electric scooter that they describe as “massive with an aggressive look” received a score of 4/5 in comfort and ergonomics. The reasons (among others)? The width of the footrest and its rubber surface, its adjustable handlebars (more than enough for a person of 1.60 to 1.90 m) and its easy folding.
Driving : ????? 3/5
The Tiger 8 pro was rated 3/5. This score is held back by the fact that the scooter is limited to 25km/h (unbridled with its dual 600W motor, it can go up to 55km/h). Despite this, the torque of the scooter allows you to climb slopes without losing speed, even with a throttle!
Autonomy : ????? 4/5
While we promise you a range of 45 kilometres with a single engine, the journalist of Les Numériques was able to drive up to 50 kilometres with a double engine! Surprise!
Read the article
Thank you Les Numériques !
0 Test carried out on the Hiley range
We would be very grateful if you could inform us of any mistranslations of our article.

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